Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SEO writing for beginners

What is SEO writing? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, but SEO writing really means keyword writing and is some what akin to news reporting.

To write SEO articles, the author should know SEO basics in relation to search engines: keywords are how a search engine finds websites relevant to search terms by way of spiders – spiders or web spiders – are software robots that crawl across the web cataloging keywords from websites. Spiders build lists of keywords and index them so search engines can return results that match keywords to search terms; the more often search engines return results from the same website, the higher its ranking becomes on the search engine or SERPs (search engine results pages).

Google was the first to send out multiple spiders, indexing hundreds of sites simultaneously (in fact, the name Google is a variant of the mathematical term "googol", which denotes the number 1 followed by 100 zeros or 10^100). And because Google is the leading search engine on the internet, websites are constantly trying to up their rank on its search results – that’s where SEO writing fundamentals come in, making a website visible by intertwining content with keywords that improve search engine ranking.

For instance, if a website is promoting internet marketing, the SEO writing topic is obviously “internet marketing services”. With hundreds of sites competing to promote their marketing services, they need to differentiate themselves by increasing their rank. For an SEO writer, this means writing articles with keywords pertinent to what someone might enter into a search engine (2-word phrases are most often used, followed by three-word phrases); while they probably will search for “internet marketing”, they might search with for the same service with like phrases such as “search engine ranking”, “SEO writing”, “website promotion”, or “SEO content”.

Now onto the SEO writing essentials; keywords an article cannot alone make, there must be content as well as context. SEO articles aren’t merely a string of tags/keywords, they must have an ebb and flow for readability; while the SEO tags/keywords will capture a search engine’s index they won’t be informative to visitors (this is where the akin to news reporting comes in). Journalists address five “W’s”: who, what, where, when, and why – these “W’s” give the reader context. In SEO article writing, the same applies, keywords/tags have to be surrounded by context so visitors that choose to click on a link will be directed to a site with content that not only addresses what they’ve searched for, but gives them a reason to stay on the site.

Other things to keep in mind when writing SEO articles are keeping the language accessible and concise: the most effective SEO articles are those that are between 300 and 500 words. Lastly, remember to proofread and spell check, while search engines don’t care about grammar and spelling, visitors will.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Steps to follow for the successful freelance writer

In order to be successful in freelance writing, new writers should be aware of the many miscues and pitfalls that abound in becoming established and marketable.

If you’ve read my other articles on freelance writing, you’ll undoubtedly notice a repetitive theme: write what you know, find your niche, be consistent, and mind the basics of spell checking and proofreading.

Following these guidelines will greatly increase your success rate and help you to focus on transitioning writing as a hobby to writing as a job.

Write what you know

This point cannot be emphasized enough…there are a few things any writer can bring to publishers, the marketplace and readers alike…and one of those things is credibility.

A publisher is not likely to respond to an article or book query on an esoteric subject like non-linear equations or string theory pitched by a performance artist. Look to your professional and personal life and experiences. Hobbies are also a great place from which to draw knowledge and experience to incorporate into your writing.

For instance, if you’re a mechanical engineer by trade, there are surplus of car enthusiast magazines, websites, and e-zines. Those are media you should be looking to. If you’re a stay-at-home mom or you race sail boats as a hobby, then look to publications that feature things so related.

Find your niche

The last two examples aren’t enough to concentrate on, because like any other subject being a parent or sail boating is too broad – which means you’ll have to carve out a niche. This doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t be able to write over the broader subject, that will be intrinsic when writing over any subject, but to stand out and you’ll have to be a source of information or insight in a forte within that subject.

For instance, when I wrote Cyclopedia Music Theory I began game planning the book, I looked at other theory books, not for their content, but what their content was missing. I found a couple of things: one was that musicology wasn’t addressed and another was illustrations weren’t always formatted from left to right and also, there wasn’t any explanation of different instruments or percussion theory. Consequently, I wrote the book with those things included.

Be consistent and persistent

Stay with what you know but don’t be afraid to spread your wings. By this I mean once you’ve found your niche and have consistently written within it, beginning to branch out is not only natural and can indeed benefit your writing. There is a small caution here is not to overreach – should you branch out too far, you’ll begin to lose focus not only in your niche, but you’ll not be able to find a balance.

It is therefore critical that you be consistent not only in your niche writing, but writing altogether. Contributing a piece here and there randomly doesn’t set well with publishers and it won’t set well with whatever readership you garner.

If are writing and contributing regularly, moreover querying regularly, you’ll get a lot of rejections and in between, hear crickets. Publishers are flush with queries and that’s why they’re so selective. Even if your piece is turned down, don't be afraid to rework it and resubmit it. It could be you didn’t hit the nail on the head or another writer was earlier to make the same point.


I’ll use a personal example here: after I wake, get ready and have breakfast; after which, I check my email, take a glance at the days projects, then I do one or two household chores. I do this for good reason: one, chores need be done and two, after reading email and looking forward to the day, not sitting in front of the keyboard and engaging in something entirely different which allows me to brainstorm.

When I get to writing, I typically publish my Balance for Dads blog (which I wrote a day or so before), and then onto the writing gigs I’ve landed.

Next I try to spend my time productively, working on the task(s) at hand and move on. If I encounter a snag (e.g. website goes down or writer’s block), I’ll take a short break to do another chore or two and then refocus.

The next-to-last order of my “workday” is spent search for gigs and networking. And I close shop by writing a piece for my own blog to post the following day.

Build your value and reputation

As a writer, your reputation is invaluable. And to raise your value, you should make your writing not only informative and interesting, but comprehensible. Don't be pedantic…no matter the subject; keep your writing accessible to all readers.

It’s not advisable to waste your time working on projects that won't be beneficial either to your value and reputation or financially.

Writing what you know and carving a niche aren’t to mean that you’re stuck on certain subjects forever. You can increase your value by expanding, but writers shouldn’t be chasing money by writing pieces they have no experience or interest in as it will show in their work.

Be mindful of the basics

Spell check

Proofread carefully or have someone else proofread

Honor guidelines and deadlines

Keep a notepad with you as much as possible to jot down notes/thoughts